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Latest: Minor bug fixes to Early Game on 5/18/23
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Development Update 5/18/23

Continuing development of the blockchain game:

  • Main Tasks (5)
  • Validation Tasks (4)
  • Security Tasks (2)
  • Quality of Life Tasks (2)
  • Logging Tasks (2)

Development Update 2/5/23

We understand the importance of delivering a great gaming experience, and we are actively working on this release scheduled for 2023. We appreciate the patience of our Crushie pals and are excited to show you the results of our hard work. We are confident the effort will pay off. Thank you for your support!

Giving you a peek at what's behind the delays:

  • Integration with mini games is a work in progress that will change in the future, so has resulted in delays.
  • The inventory system is complex and required rewriting about 2 times and may require additional work to make it easily traversible, including teams, adventures, and to suit future expansions.
  • Needed maintenance of data handling for robustness
  • Minimum viable product is closer but will require some more waiting. We appreciate your patience!
  • If you read this, send us a message on Telegram or Discord with "Read the update! Send me something!" and we'll send you a gift NFT.